BICES 2023 User representative talks about BICES

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Update time : 2023-11-08

On June 13, 2023, the 16th China (Beijing) International Construction Machinery, Building Materials Machinery and Mining Machinery Exhibition and Technical Exchange Conference (referred to as "BICES 2023") press conference and exhibition reserve meeting was held in Beijing. Representatives from CCCC, China Railway, China Railway Construction, China Construction, China Road and Bridge, Beijing Construction, China Chemical Construction Enterprise Association, China Metallurgical Construction Association Hoisting Committee and other user units attended the meeting.

Among them, the relevant responsible persons of four user units as representatives, combined with the project construction and equipment purchase management of their respective units, expressed the desire to strengthen the cooperation with the upstream and downstream supply chain of the construction machinery industry through BICES exhibition and carry out equipment selection and procurement on the exhibition platform.

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